
Cheeses and beer
Cheese is suitable for all meals really, and it’s often enjoyed with wine. But behold cheese lovers. There are better and tastier combinations when you combine cheese and beer. Just remember that cheeses are very different, so you must be smart when doing your cheese and beer pairing.
Fresh mellow cheeses
Generally, all cheeses have a certain fatty element that works well with higher alcohol beers. However, that still leaves many beers to choose from. In the case of younger and mellower cheeses like mozzarella style fresh cheese, cream cheese, and fresh goat cheese you want to aim for a beer with a fruity finish, low bitterness and maybe a bit of spice without overpowering the cheese. Try a Belgian triple with brie and strong sweet lagers with mozzarella style cheese.
Aged hard cheeses
The lovely hard cheeses like the Manchego, mature Cheddar, Parmesan, and Gruyere are both salty and nutty. They tend to go well with higher alcohol beers with a certain bitterness that can cut through the salty, and fatty flavours to create a flavour balance that will keep you munching. Try the Manchego with pale ales and mature Cheddars with American style IPAs.
Big flavoured blue cheeses
Finally, we have the blue cheeses. They have some of the biggest and most contested flavours in the culinary world, so the beers to match them need to be big as well. Look for the highest ABV the beer world has to offer, and if the beer has a hearty, malty backbone it’s even better. Try barley wines and Belgian quadruples with aged Stilton and Belgian doubles with Roquefort.